User Manual

What gives you energy and what depletes me?

A main thing that gives me energy is ideating. Whenever I come up with ideas, I get really into the subject matter and want to dive in head first, especially if it is something I am passionate about. I call them my 2 hour energy periods, because when I get the energy I expend it fairly quickly. So, this also could be a cause of my energy levels depleting. I also lose energy when I am uninspired, and if I am uninspired for a long amount of time, it takes time for my energy levels to kick back into gear. 

What is the best way for others to communicate with me?

The best way for peers to communicate with me would be through text. It is simple and easy to check, plus I can quickly respond. Texting also feels more personal than email to me, and on these types of projects I feel it is important to knock down barriers, like email, to forge stronger relationships between the class. 

What are your pet peeves?

I don’t have many pet peeves, but the few I have really annoy me. First, if the person isn’t as invested as I am in the idea or project it gets on my nerves. I realize that not everyone is as enthusiastic about everything I am, and I am guilty of doing this to other people, yet, I still feel that everyone should go head first into everyone’s new venture. One other pet peeve of mine is if I am the only one pulling my weight on a group project. Too many times in other classes was I the one to pick up the slack. 

What do people misunderstand about you?

People sometimes think that I don’t put as much effort into things, like school, as I should, which is untrue in my opinion. I’m very dedicated to learning and I expend a lot of energy towards school. I think people might think this of me because of the way I used to be, before I found the drive to put more energy toward school.

What values are important to me?

The two main values I hold close are honesty and open mindedness. If someone is honest with me, I immediately know I can trust this person and the work they are doing. I also really value when someone is open-minded. I think being absolutely free of prior judgment or conclusions is the only way to get the most out of a situation.

What kind of innovator are you?

I classify myself as an ideator. I am the person that is going to come up with the big ideas and big picture; the overall picture of the journey, rather than the intricacies of it. This helps me when being ambitious and creating interesting ways to solve problems, however it hurts me when I need specific tasks done, especially when dealing with numbers.